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时间:2016-09-14 20:20来源:未知 作者:纽西兰特产网 点击: N
【新西兰教育局】新西兰小孩读书需要收费吗?新西兰学生上学有学费吗? 本文章内容从【新西兰教育局】翻译而来,并配有英文原文。真实可靠。 Do I need to pay school fees? It depends on
新西兰教育局】新西兰小孩读书需要收费吗?新西兰学生上学有学费吗? 注意:此处针对的学生是新西兰本地学生或父母有工作签证的外国学生。


Do I need to pay school fees?

It depends on the kind of school.  

  • 新西兰政府办的学校是不收费的。State schools do not charge school fees - education in New Zealand state schools is free
  • 政府合作学校要收取部分费用。 State-integrated schools usually charge compulsory fees called “attendance dues”. These schools usually own their own land and buildings, and this fee is for property costs.
  • 私人学校要收费。 Private schools receive limited government funding, so they do charge a set fee each term, or for the year. The fees should be clearly set out in their enrolment information or prospectus.

有什么费用是必须要出的?Is there anything I do have to pay for?

You should be prepared to pay for:

  • 学习用品如书籍,笔,需要购买。materials and equipment such as exercise books, pens, pencils
  • 校服。school uniforms
  • 上学前和放学后产生的费用,如车费,培训费等。before-school and after-school care if you need it.

If you can’t afford a school uniform or stationery or care outside of school hours, this should not hold back your child’s education. You might be able to get financial assistance. 

You might also be asked to pay for:

  • 学校是户外活动。learning experiences outside the classroom, such as school trips
  • 超出新西兰课程要求范围的活动项目。activities or events over and above the New Zealand Curriculum.

The school can only charge for additional costs of trips and activities if they have told the parents beforehand, and the parents have agreed to pay them.

If an activity or item is a part of the core education curriculum (like seeing a play students will be assessed on, or a school report), then your child has a right to be included. They must be allowed to take part or receive the item, whether or not you pay any optional payments or donations.

If the activity or event isn’t part of the core education curriculum (like a sports event, camp or a school social event) the school can exclude your child if you do not pay for them.

What about donations?

Schools may ask parents or caregivers for donations, which are voluntary contributions to help with running the school. It is not compulsory to pay donations.


What can I do if I’m not happy about the costs I’m being charged?

In the first instance you should talk to the principal. You should not be made to feel like you have to pay any voluntary donations.

If you are not happy with the result of your conversation with the principal you can make a complaint to the board of trustees.

You can also contact your local Ministry of Education office for advice, or call the Parent Legal Information Line toll free on 0800 499 488.
